About us

To Active Krishnam, welcome! The tagline for my website is “Embracing the Digital Revolution.” Established in 2023, this is your go-to source for real knowledge on various topics, including technology, gadgets, finance, business, digital marketing, how-to instructions, and blogging.

Who We Are

I am Poonam Yadav, a dedicated professional with a post-graduate MBA degree specializing in Finance and Digital Marketing. My passion for these fields drives me to continually explore and share valuable insights and knowledge. Join me on a journey of discovery and growth as we delve into the dynamic worlds of finance and digital marketing.

We are a passionate team of tech enthusiasts, finance experts, gadget aficionados, and digital marketing professionals. Our mission is to empower our readers with the latest insights and knowledge across a wide range of topics. Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual looking for the latest trends or a budding entrepreneur seeking business advice, we have you covered.

What We Offer

At Active Krishnam, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, accurate, and up-to-date content. Here’s what you can expect from us:

  1. Technology: Stay informed about the ever-evolving world of technology, from the newest gadgets to in-depth product reviews.
  2. Tech Tricks and Tips: Unlock the potential of your devices with our practical tips and tricks.
  3. Finance: Navigate the complex world of finance with expert insights, investment guidance, and money-saving strategies.
  4. Gadgets: Discover the coolest gadgets and accessories that can enhance your digital lifestyle.
  5. Digital Marketing: Explore the latest trends and strategies in digital marketing to boost your online presence.
  6. Business: Get valuable advice on starting, managing, and growing your business, along with success stories and case studies.
  7. How-to Guides: Find step-by-step guides on various topics, simplifying complex tasks for you.

Why Choose Us

  1. Reliable Information: We pride ourselves on providing accurate and trustworthy information. You can count on us for reliable insights and advice.
  2. Diverse Expertise: Our team consists of experts from various fields, ensuring that you get a well-rounded perspective on the topics we cover.
  3. User-Focused: Your needs and interests are at the core of what we do. We tailor our content to meet your expectations and provide solutions to your queries.
  4. Community: Join our growing community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about technology, finance, and business. Connect with us through comments and social media to share your thoughts and experiences.

Mission and Vision:

This website which provides you authentic information about Technology, Tech Trick and Tips, Finance, Gadgets, Digital Marketing, Business, How-to, Blogging etc.

Contact Us

Have a question, suggestion, or just want to say hello? We’d love to hear from you!

You can reach out to us at Email: activekrishnam@gmail.com

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